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How To Make Your Content More Appealing

Content marketing isn’t comprised of just blog postings and articles. You can use different formats of representation to deliver Ways To Make Your Content More Appealingyour content more interestingly. Make them into an infographic or visually appealing videos. For example, Squatty Potty spent about $600,000 on a funny commercial of a unicorn pooping rainbow ice-cream[...]
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Explaining Negative SEO

When someone tries to lower your rankings, it is referred to as negative SEO. It does not include lowering of your website’s ranking due to some competitor’s website but when someone purposely tries to bring your website down through bad tactics. An example of this is when someone links a porn or a casino website[...]
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Are Celebrity Endorsements Beneficial?

It’s almost assured that your conversion rates are going to go through the roof if you manage to have a celebrity on your landing page. It’s a given that celebrity endorsements skyrocket your conversion rates. Take ‘Beats’ by Dr. Dre for example, they always have top players, athletes and musicians endorse their headphones, this positions[...]
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Quora Ads for Beginners

Quora is basically a question and answer website, where you can ask any question related to any topic and people, an expert in that particular field, answers your question. Because of this, Quora generates tons of traffic every day and so its valuation is currently over one billion dollars. The best thing about Quora is[...]
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Tips to Boost ROI

  • By Beeingsocial
  • Date: Feb 09, 2022
  • Category:
Site links are not discussed enough when it comes to increasing the ROI, and we cannot stress enough on their importance here. The more site links you have, obviously, the better your ROI will be. You can add links to case studies that readers will be interested in, or links to other pages on your[...]
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Use Social Media to build a strong brand.

There are people that have built a strong brand name using social media. Gretta van Riel, founder of ‘SkinnyMe Tea’, was able to reach 16 million followers on Instagram by making use of several micro-influencers. Initially, to grow your reach, you might have to give away stuff for free and send products to micro-influencers, who[...]
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How to increase social traffic, for free?

To gain more traffic from social media, for free, you can pick some keywords from your own blog, Google these keywords and find other posts similar to your content. Now, search the popular ones on Twitter, you will get a list of users that have shared these posts. Reach out to these people, contact them[...]
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How can you have an edge over your competition when they have more money and experience to their advantage?

By offering your users the same product as your competition and undercutting them on price, you will start attracting more customers towards your brand. You can also maximize results by leveraging on latest technology and APIs which are much cheaper instead of using the old, archaic technology,  For e.g.: While big companies like ‘Moz’ are[...]
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