What Matters the most – Quality or Quantity?

As far as blogs going on the website is considered, there are two distinct belief systems among marketers. Some believe in Quality, while some believe in Quantity. Whilst quality is always the foundation for effective content strategy, quantity too has a major impact on practical grounds. Take for ex., Hubspot, which garners nearly 6 million visitors per month based on the sheer number of blogs they roll out each day. You can look at Business Insider, Huffpo, Mashable and Buzzfeed for their presence across social platforms based on the number of posts they generate each day.
Ideally, you should blog couple of times a week, but if you really want to drive traffic and see a dramatic increase in the number of visits, you should post as much as 4-10 times a day. Most sites that blog frequently, depend majorly on a contributor network for their content, like, Scoopwhoop, Huffpo, Storypick etc. This ensures a decent quality along with quantity. However, a contributor network can only be established once you have a certain presence online or invest a lot of money into it. Depending on which stage your business is in, you have to carefully select the right blend between quality and quantity of the blogs you share. For Ex., you may want to churn out large quantity, medium to good quality blogs in the beginning of your business, to attract traffic to your website or page. Once you have established an audience, you could blog less often and focus more on the quality and niche of your business to mark your credibility in the online space.
Another good practice would be to revisit your most popular blogs (using Google Analytics) and rewrite them, using your highest ranking keywords and upping the quality bar, to drive more traffic. This is a bull’s eye way to create quality content.
Ultimately, there is no fixed formula to blog posting, but the more you publish, the more touch points you will have, which will eventually earn you more genuine followers and conversions on your business. It’s worth it!